Frequently Asked Questions & Support

This section contains the answers to the most commonly asked questions. Please look through these before submitting a support issue.

There could be one of two reasons for this. First, you might have reached the current Translate or AI limits. Please visit Limits page for more details. Second, you might be using the extension too quickly (too many requests in a short span of time).

Please visit the Limits page. It has a section about supported languages. Most of the main languages are included in our list. If you require specific languages for your channel, contact support using the form below to see if we can add them for you.

It's easy. Just go to Dashboard, click 'Manage Subscription', then 'Manage on Stripe'. Log into Stripe, and there you should be able to control your subscription.

Yes, you can. But keep in mind that your current plan will be removed.

Usually, it's 2 requests per video per language. Title and Description are two separate requests we send to the Google API. Please note that the description size is counted up to 300 characters. Anything above that counts as a separate request. So, for example, a video description of 500 characters would count as 2 requests, and a 1000 characters description would count as 3 requests. Therefore, keeping your descriptions shorter can help to conserve your translation requests. So, if your plan has 1000 translation requests, it means you can translate approximately 500 videos into one language, or 50 videos into 10 languages, assuming average descriptions are within the 300 characters limit.

If you didn't find the answer to your question, please fill out the support form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

You need to log in to submit a support issue

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